
Advanced PrestaShop Product Configurator | Product Bundle


Product Composer is a Prestashop module that allows you to easily create the compositions of your products. You can simply display your packs with different variations illustrated by the images. The price of the product is dynamically calculated according to your customer's choice of options.

Language: FR

License: Lifetime for one (01) domain name

Support: 3 months free



Le module Product Composer est conçu au niveau Frontal d'une manière donnant au client la possibilité de faire un choix rapide et d'un seul coup 


o    Gestion des groupes

Vous pouvez créer des groupes pour classer les différents options de votre produit PrestaShop 

o    Gestion des options

Afin de donner plus de flexibilité nous vous offrons différents types d'options à savoir: Choix simple, choix multiple, avec ou sans image, avec ou sans quantité 

o    Gestion des attributs

Vous pouvez créer pour chaque option une liste des attributs, vous pouvez également ajouter un champs quantité pour vos attributs, le mettre par défaut, désactiver ou activer l'attribut, en plus vous pouvez organiser votre liste (trier la liste des attributs)  

o    Configuration de votre design

Choix de couleur, afficher/ne pas afficher les titres, activer ou désactiver les options .

In this article we will present the different Front Office and Back Office interfaces for the Burger Menu product in order to make you understand the operation of the "Product Composer" module compatible with PrestaShop 1.7.x. However, you can click on the "Store Demo" button to see different examples configured with our module.

Front-office Interfaces 

Product sheet with Product Composer

You can simply display your packs with different variations illustrated by images with a responsive interface and colors according to your choice.

Add one of your products to the home page

You can choose a product with combinations configured by the Product Composer module and display it on the home page in order to add advantages and force its sale

Back-office Interfaces

In order to configure your product with our Product Composer module, you have to create the various options you want which can be radio buttons, Checkbox, Select list, ... For each option you create different attributes that can have images. You can classify the different options created by groups.

Groups management

To Configure your product first of all you have to create your groups that you can order them according to your choice.

Management Options

After creating groups, you have to create one or more options for each group. You have the choice between:

  • Simple radio button
  • Radio button with image
  • Simple checkbox
  • checkbox with image
  • Select list
  • Text fields
  • Numeric fields

Attribute management

You can create a list of attributes for each option. you can set a default attribute, deactivate it or activate it. you also have the choice to organize your list (sort the list of attributes) relative to the selected option.

Product Configuration

To configure your products, simply select your product in the search bar then click on the "configure your product" button, an interface will be displayed to choose the groups and options that suit the product to be configured.

You have the choice to put a configured product on the home page of your site. However, you want to display or not display the titles of the groups.

Interface configuration

To better adapt to the theme used in your e-commerce site, we have thought of putting the choice of colors of our dynamic module. You can change the colors of the buttons, group titles, ...

When you select the format including VAT, it means that the prices will be visible with VAT. You can also apply Prestashop discounts on attribute prices.

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